Thursday, May 13, 2010

An unwanted visitor...

I'm not too fond of frogs and toads just because they look gross but this one really looks bad. He visited us while we were on vacation last month. Where did I find him you ask? Well, he was in my toilet! Yep that's right! What a nice surprise to lift the lid to! UGH! I woke Mike up to let him know he had to get rid of the frog. I'm not sure how he got him out but he did so we took a picture of it. GROSS! Look how huge he is for a tree frog! Yes, I'm now doing the "bowl check" before I do my business again!


Nonna said...

Picture it from the frog's point of view!

Kimberley said...

i am so grossed out. i cannot stand frogs, and that might be an understatement. ICK! i would've faaa-reaked out!