Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm not a teacher...

I've always said I could never be a teacher. I just don't have the patience for it. Even helping Jennah with her homework sometimes is too much for my patience level. Today, Kaylee confirmed that I'm not a teacher. Here's our conversation:

Me: "Kaylee, tell me something you learned in school today."
Kaylee: "I didn't really learn something. We're practicing a song."
Me: "Oh, that sounds nice. What song is it?"
Kaylee: "It's a song my teacher is singing with us. You don't know it?"
Me: "Well, what is the name of the song?"
Kaylee: "It's called the Florida alphabet."
Me: "No, I don't think I know the Florida alphabet song."
Kaylee: "Mom you just don't know it because your not a teacher. You're just a mom."

So, there you have it - I'm JUST a mom!

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