It happened.... How, I don't know... But it did - We let Kaylee turn 6! She's so excited that today is her birthday. Last night (when she was still 5), she told everyone that they had to get hugs because it was her last day of giving 5 year old hugs and kisses! This morning when she woke up, the first thing she said was "Yahoo, I'm six now!" I just can't believe my little baby is 6! It seems like yesterday that we brought our little (and I do mean little) bundle of girly-ness home from the hospital! Anyway, she has her week planned out already. Being the birthday girl in our home means you get to pick what you want for dinner that night. Kaylee's choice: Cracker Barrel for pancakes! She'll have her birthday party on Saturday with family and a few friends over for her other favorite: pizza and cake! Then on Sunday, we're taking her to Legoland. Needless to say, she's going to be the happiest little six year old for a while - and then she'll turn 7! :)