Happy Easter! Jennah woke up this morning at 6:20am. Yes, that's right EARLY! Needless to say, I had her go back to bed until 7:30! When Mike and I got up, both girls were extremely eager to go outside to hunt for Easter Eggs! Jennah was happy that the bunny actually hid eggs this year as last year, "he" tossed them into the grass in the front yard and "it wasn't very fun!" according to her. Of course, the reason for doing that last year was that we were unaware our children would wake up before the roosters and we thought we'd have time to hide the eggs that morning. Obviously that didn't happen as we had planned. This year, we got smart and hid them after midnight hoping the ants and night critters wouldn't take off with them! Luckily, the girls found all 32 eggs intact this morning! Anyway, after that and some chocolate, we had both our families over for dinner and boy did we have a TON of food. Ham, lamb, potato salad, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, carrots, lima beans and a ton more not including desserts! I'm still full just thinking about it! All in all, we had a very nice day and hope you had a Happy Easter as well.

Jennah & Kaylee (The Egg Hunters)
All Cleaned up and ready for family to come visit.