Yesterday, we had my FAVORITE Aunt Francine and my Uncle Bruce over for dinner along with my mom and our friend Randy. We all had a wonderful time. It was so nice to visit with my favorite Aunt Francine and my Uncle Bruce. We don't get to see them often as they live up North so anytime we can spend with them is nice.

My FAVORITE AUNT Francine, me, and my mom. (photo courtesy of my favorite "one of these days soon-to-be-sister-in-law!")

Today, we took the girls to Orlando so Mike could register for his upcoming conference. We ended up going to the Millennia Mall which I might add is HUGE. Mike bought himself some new tennis shoes which he desperately needed. Then we had lunch at PF Changs (mmmm yummy) and headed over to the IKEA store. Ok, if you've never been to an IKEA store, if there's one near you... GO! They have a play area for kids (but they have to meet the height requirements and have to be potty trained.) They also have a restaurant and of course shopping for anything you can imagine for your home. Jennah loved the play area... they have movies, games, a rock climbing wall, a ball pit and many other things for them to play and jump on. They give you a beeper too in case there is a problem. After we dropped her off, we went and did a little bit of shopping there. I bought a few things but could go on a crazy shopping spree there easily! After all that, it was time to head home. The girls are out of school tomorrow but I've still got to get Kaylee to therapy! Night night!