The girls went back to school today after a whole week of being sick. Kaylee brought home strep throat and scarlet fever from school on Friday and Jennah caught it on Sunday. I took them to the Dr. on Monday and got them on antibiotics as soon as I could. Kaylee keeps getting it - after all, this is her third time since August. Most of the children in her class are not very verbal yet and they just don't have it in them to say "hey mom, I've got a sore throat!" so, like me, the parents send them to school to "share" their illnesses and for some reason, Kaylee gets it every time. Anyway, they are finally well enough to get back to school so now I can get caught up on my housework instead of coloring, playing Iron Chef in their play kitchen and watching multiple episodes of Sponge Bob! The pic is of them waiting at the Dr. office.