Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dairy Queens

Tonight was Jennah's school spirit night at Dairy Queen. I'm reluctant to take the girls to the usual spirit night outing by myself as it is usually held at Chik-fil-A which has an indoor play area. I guess it's my fear of having to climb through those ummm, shall we say...germ infested, stinky, contraptions to rescue a small child named Kaylee! Yeah, the last time we went, Mike had to make one of those dreaded rescue missions! Tonight was different, no play area, and lots of ice cream to keep Kaylee happy! Jennah had a great time talking to her friends and her teacher whom she absolutely loves. I had a chance to catch up with some of the moms and some of the teachers as well. When we came home, the girls and I read some books and then it was bedtime for them. Ahhhhh, peace and quiet! Gotta love those few moments of quiet time!

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