Wednesday, December 9, 2009

and the winner is...

Kaylee brought home an award from school! She's student of the month for demonstrating cooperation! WHAT!?Cooperation? Kaylee? Are you sure? After all, this is the child that I have to pry out of the car, pick her up in a football hold maneuver and listen to her scream just about every day when we get home because "she doesn't want to _______..." Oh well, even if they're mistaken, and as her mom I'm sure they are, we'll take the award and proudly display it in the curio cabinet along with taking her to Chick-fil-A which was part of the award as well! Congratulations Kaylee - we love you!

Oh yes, please note that I coudn't get her to COOPERATE with me so I could get a nice picture!


Nonna said...


Grandma said...

Way to go Kaylee, we are all proud of you!!!!!

Beth said...

yeah Kaylee!

ebayer said...

she did such a good job:_)