Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cheese Stick Ice Cream...

Today was Kaylee's feeding therapy day. We love her therapist at All Children's Sertoma Therapy Center, Miss Mel! She is soooo good with Kaylee. Today for instance, Kaylee wanted to make "Cheese Stick Ice Cream. We were perplexed as to what she was talking about and asked her to show us. Miss Mel gave her two bowls - one for Kaylee and one for herself. Imagine our surprise when Kaylee took a bowl of mandarin oranges (with the juice) and added a cut up cheese stick to it, stirred it up AND then ate the whole thing in a "race" type game with Miss Mel! Kaylee won the race but I must mention that Miss Mel ate all of hers to! Thanks a bunch Miss Mel for not getting a bowl out for me! You're the best!

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