Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jennah's thoughts of college...

The other day at the bus stop while waiting for the bus, I asked Jennah what she wanted to be when she grew up. Below is our conversation. Now, Keep in mind, she's only 8:

Me: "So, Jennah, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Jennah: "Well, I was thinking I would be a doctor or something like that but then my friend told me I'd have to go to college for a long time - like four or five years."
Me: "That's true depending on what kind of a doctor you want to be."
Jennah: "Well, now I just think I'll be a massage therapist or a florist."
Me: "They have to go to college to you know."
Jennah: "Even for a florist."
Me: "Yes, you'd need to know all about plants and flowers and how to run a business."
Jennah: "Awwww." "Well, maybe I'll just marry a man that works so I can stay home like you did."

Great, I'm glad I'm setting such a good example for my child! LOL gotta love her!


Kimberley said...


Nonna said...

You said you were a trophy wife!!!

Beth said...

That is so funny!