Thursday, March 19, 2009

Little Person, BIG Words...

I always enjoy taking little rides around town with Jennah in the van. She can sure stir up some conversation. Read below for some shall we say...Little Person, BIG Words...

Jennah: "Mom, when I grow up, I don't want to get married."
Me: "You don't, why not?"
Jennah: "Well, I don't want to because I don't want to waste money to go to a hospital to have a baby."
Me: "Jennah, you can still get married and not have babies if you don't want them."
Jennah: "It's not that I don't want babies, I just don't want a symmetrical cut in my belly to get the baby out of my tummy."
Me: (speechless) "Oh."
Jennah: "Besides, how is the Dr. going to know that I have a baby in my tummy? Do I have to tell him and then he'll take it out? Or does he just know because the mommys are still fat even though they might be on a diet."

So, as I keep control of the car which is often hard to do while having a conversation with her, I'm thinking to myself 'my gosh, did she just use the word symmetrical in perfect context?' eek!


Kimberley said...

that is so funny! she cracks me up too! looking forward to these conversations with jacob some day.

Beth said...

that is very funny. I'm laughing.

Mum Gone Mad said...

what a clever young lady, I suspect you're going to have some interesting conversations when she's older lol. Luv Karen x

Anonymous said...

That's my Jennah!

Anonymous said...

How are we to deal with this childwhen she's 7 ??