I'm actually glad it's Time Out Tuesday. Kaylee's been sick since Saturday. She's got a fever and a horrible sounding cough. She's also not been wetting diapers like normal. I took her to the Dr. yesterday which to me was much like taking my van into the dealer for repairs! You know what I mean... You take the car in and explain the noise that you hear yet the mechanic NEVER hears it so there's "nothing wrong". I guess the one good thing was that she did manage to work up a cough or two that the Dr. was able to hear but her fever was down a bit because of the Tylenol I had given her shortly before we left the house! He did note the fever and the cough but couldn't tell what was wrong with her. Nothing in her chest, strep test and flu test both negative, and no infection in her sinuses. Ok, so I have a sick kid but we don't' know why. All they could say was if she still has a fever Wednesday morning, we're to call the Dr. back. Ugh!
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